Delivery instructions of aluminium window door assamblage table

Insofar as these are not superseded by BAERTEC factory standards, relevant standards and regulations must be observed in their most up-to-date forms. The products and services you provide, and the manner in which they are provided, must comply with these standards and regulations. Compliance with the relevant regulations issued by equipment manufacturers is also required. In case of doubt, BAERTEC must be consulted. Proof of compliance with the above must be furnished by the contractor as part of final acceptance. If these conditions are not met, the contract has not been duly fulfilled. Notwithstanding the warranty, we reserve the right to raise further claims on account of the resulting consequences. When existing machinery is integrated into the scope of delivery of the contractor, the contractor is responsible for the declaration of conformity for the total machinery. Painting and labelling Component paint finishes are subject to approval by BAERTEC. Following things have to be pointed out on the machinery: ƒ maintenance and cleaning points ƒ wear indication ƒ interfaces for operating supply items and additives ƒ adjustment and alignment tool. Design release (approval of execution) Prior to SOP the following documents have to be submitted to BAERTEC for verification and approval as one digital copy and one hard copy (including parts purchased externally from third-party companies): ƒ construction plans ƒ drawings ƒ control structure ƒ placement of control devices ƒ labelling of the machinery. The documents must be marked as preliminary copies. A copy will be returned with a note of approval or with any changes deemed necessary. Any modifications identified as necessary during the verification process must not lead to an increase in price or prolongation of the delivery period.


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